Building your
We are focused on making a long-lasting positive impact on our local community and the wider region both during the construction of The Sage development and beyond, ensuring that a legacy remains for many years to come.
With a mission to build sustainable environments that enhance people’s lives, our construction partner aims to make a positive impact on climate change, resources and people by 2050. For example, they are at the forefront of the conversation on how to bring forward net zero carbon buildings through innovation and new practices which brings about positive change to protect the environmental health of our community and planet.

The Sage will be connected directly to the expanding Gateshead District Energy Centre. This prizewinning, innovative low carbon energy network generates both heat and power via a 5km underground network of heat pipes and high voltage ‘private-wire’ electricity cables. Once operational ASM Global is committed to meeting international standards in Environmental Management and Sustainable Events Management.
The new development will bring tangible differences to communities, businesses and individuals in the area by the creation of a social value plan offering opportunities to improve local employment and skills prospects through new jobs, apprentices and work placements as well as educational support provided to primary and secondary schools, Gateshead College and the two main universities.